I had thought the weekend would be chilly, so I planned to roast a chicken. The weekend turned out beautiful, but I'm a planner, and I stuck with my plans. I made Cook's Lemon Chicken, also known as the Chicken That Made Megan Cry. It's not really difficult, but it involves a number of steps and would be much easier in a full-size kitchen with a good venting system. Because it was so warm out, I decided to try pretending the grill was an oven and just throwing the roasting pan in there. Halfway through the roasting, the pan was black black black and it was getting chilly enough that I didn't think I could keep the heat high enough, so I moved it into a different roasting pan and finished it in Hollie. The oven thermometer, essential because Hollie puts out BTU's with complete disregard for the setting on the dial, chose that moment to quit working altogether, so I guessed the temperature based on how much heat blasted my face when I opened the door to check on things. I roasted oregano-lemon potatoes along with the chicken, and braised pak choi in some chicken broth and garlic.
It all came out really well, and I did not cry. That chicken is soooo good, it's almost worth the trouble and tear potential. And it sort of makes me wonder what I could do with a real kitchen, or at least a working oven thermometer.
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